If you've been on the Internet for any length of time, you've probably come across one of the hundreds of hoaxes that are floating around cyberspace. In fact, many of these half-truths and outright myths have been making the rounds nearly as long as the word "Internet" has been a part of our vocabulary. In 1997, for instance, an e-mail promising quick riches and a copy of Windows 98, courtesy of Bill Gates, flooded Inboxes across the world. Predictably, Bill Gates wasn't actually parting with his billions to have people forward e-mails to their friends.
A few years later, Al Gore made a crucial mistake during his presidential campaign when he claimed that he invented the Internet. Only he didn't. In reality, Gore claimed he "took the initiative in creating the Internet" in an interview with CNN. While that's still a big claim, many argue it's a far cry from claiming he engineered routers and laid fiber optic cables with his bare hands.
the explosive growth of the Internet has created a fair share of
misunderstandings, fabrications and myths, and now it's one of the
Internet's most popular sites, Facebook, that's stirring up rumors. With
more than 250 million users, it's only natural that some Facebook
fables have taken shape. Here are the top five Facebook myths, starting
with one that could make a lot of people very upset if it were to come
5. They're Going To Start Charging for It
We've heard our whole lives that there's no such thing as a free
lunch, so it's only natural for people to suspect Facebook might start
charging for its service. This rumor seems particularly plausible when
you consider arguments like the one Slate magazine writer Farhad Manjoo
put forth in a column from 2008. Manjoo pointed out that if even 5
percent of Facebook users agreed to pay $5 a month for the service (with
the remaining users downgraded to limited accounts), Facebook could
generate hundreds of millions of dollars a year in membership fees
5. They're Going To Start Charging for It
Fortunately for Facebook users, the company currently has
no plans to start charging for the service. According to a Business Week
interview with Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook is profitable and
growing quickly based only on the strength of its advertising revenues.
So while it's hard to look in to the future and say with certainty what
Facebook's business model will look like, for the time being Facebook
addicts can keep their money in their wallets when they log on. The next
Facebook myth also has huge financial implications, but not for
Facebook users.
4. Facebook's Founder Stole the Idea for the Site
Mark Zuckerberg, founder and CEO of Facebook, was declared the world's youngest billionaire at age 24 by Forbes Magazine. But years before Facebook was a household name, Zuckerberg was hired to do some coding for fellow Harvard students starting a Web site called Harvard Connection. The Web site was designed to help college students network with one another, a premise remarkably similar to Facebook's. The rest of the story depends on whom you ask. The students behind Harvard Connection contend that Zuckerberg deliberately neglected his programming duties so that he could create a site with the same premise. Zuckerberg, on the other hand, claims his inspiration for Facebook stemmed from Harvard's reaction to Facemash, his previous Web site. Facemash had a very simple premise, allowing Harvard students to compare and rate pictures of each other. The instant success of the site (for the few days Harvard allowed the site to remain up, at least) gave Zuckerberg insight into the appeal of following friends and acquaintances online. From there, Zuckerberg claims that, considering the buzz around social networking at the time, the idea for Facebook was a natural extension of his previous work.
4. Facebook's Founder Stole the Idea for the Site
Mark Zuckerberg, founder and CEO of Facebook, was declared the world's youngest billionaire at age 24 by Forbes Magazine. But years before Facebook was a household name, Zuckerberg was hired to do some coding for fellow Harvard students starting a Web site called Harvard Connection. The Web site was designed to help college students network with one another, a premise remarkably similar to Facebook's. The rest of the story depends on whom you ask. The students behind Harvard Connection contend that Zuckerberg deliberately neglected his programming duties so that he could create a site with the same premise. Zuckerberg, on the other hand, claims his inspiration for Facebook stemmed from Harvard's reaction to Facemash, his previous Web site. Facemash had a very simple premise, allowing Harvard students to compare and rate pictures of each other. The instant success of the site (for the few days Harvard allowed the site to remain up, at least) gave Zuckerberg insight into the appeal of following friends and acquaintances online. From there, Zuckerberg claims that, considering the buzz around social networking at the time, the idea for Facebook was a natural extension of his previous work.
So what's the real
story? After a lengthy legal battle between the founders of Harvard
Connection (now called ConnectU) and Zuckerberg, the matter was
ultimately settled out of court. According to a publication released
from Harvard Connection's lawyers, Facebook agreed to pay up to $61
million in cash and stock to close the matter [source: Kincaid].
While that's a lot of money, it doesn't scratch the surface of what
Facebook is worth today, which explains why the next myth on the list
has yet to become a reality.
3. [Company X] Is Going to Buy Facebook
most 20-somethings, a billion dollars would sound like a lot of
money, but not for Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg. After running Facebook
for two years, Zuckerberg entered into talks with Yahoo! to discuss
selling the company. Facebook competitor MySpace sold for $580 million
only a year earlier and had more users than Facebook at the time, so
Yahoo! likely felt that offering a purported $ 1 billion for the Web
site was more than generous [source: BBC]. Zuckerberg thought otherwise,
opting to maintain ownership and control of the company, instead.
3. [Company X] Is Going to Buy Facebook
It turns out he made the right move; only a year later, Microsoft valued Facebook at $15 billion [source: Sloane].
Granted, Microsoft had its reasons for pinning such a hefty price tag
on the Web site, essentially guaranteeing that none of its competitors
could purchase Facebook as a result. Still, an early 2009 internal
appraisal of Facebook's value placed the figure at closer to $4 billion,
an amount still well above the $1 billion offered by Yahoo! [source: CBS News].
As for selling the company, the rumors seem to have died down for now.
In a 2007 interview with Time magazine, Zuckerberg claimed that selling
Facebook is "not the core focus" for the company. Instead, Zuckerberg
says Facebook is busy finding the best possible way for people to
connect online, which brings us to our next myth.
2. Facebook Destroys Your Social Skills
There's no denying that Facebook makes it easier to connect with old
friends and distant relatives, but this convenience might come at a
heavy cost. West London Mental Health Trust psychiatrist Himanshu Tyagi
warns that because social networking makes communicating such a fast
paced and dynamic experience, people might become desensitized to their
real-world relationships. Younger people who've grown up with the
Internet are particularly at risk, he says, since they sometimes place
heavy emphasis on their virtual identities and may undervalue
face-to-face interaction as a result.
2. Facebook Destroys Your Social Skills
Psychologist Aric Sigman
goes even further, saying that because Facebook enables people to live
an increasingly isolated existence, their health may suffer. Pointing to
studies that illustrate how the body's genes and hormone levels react
to personal interaction, Dr. Sigman contends isolation puts the body at
risk for a number of ailments including heart disease, strokes and even
Fortunately for Facebook users, not everyone thinks the site is turning the world into hermits. A Cambridge University study of Facebook users found that the site can be a useful tool for maintaining relationships that might otherwise be lost. Additionally, the study's participants found Facebook useful for getting a better-rounded view of their friends and family and ultimately felt that the site gave them more options for how they interacted with others. Of course, if the next myth on our list has some truth to it, you may want to log off regardless of how the site affects your social skills.
1. Facebook Is Going to Sell Your Pictures
While it's never a good idea to post pictures to Facebook unless you
don't care who sees them, you probably never imagined that, even if you
delete your account, Facebook could use those pictures for commercial
purposes. That's the impression that recent changes to the company's
Terms of Service (TOS) seemed to give, however.
Fortunately for Facebook users, not everyone thinks the site is turning the world into hermits. A Cambridge University study of Facebook users found that the site can be a useful tool for maintaining relationships that might otherwise be lost. Additionally, the study's participants found Facebook useful for getting a better-rounded view of their friends and family and ultimately felt that the site gave them more options for how they interacted with others. Of course, if the next myth on our list has some truth to it, you may want to log off regardless of how the site affects your social skills.
1. Facebook Is Going to Sell Your Pictures
The ensuing uproar
over the changes prompted Facebook's founder, Mark Zuckerberg, to
address the issue on the company's blog. Zuckerberg claims the changes
clarified the way sites like Facebook work, pointing out that even if a
user deletes his or her account, the content from that account might
still exist on other users' pages. Accordingly, Facebook needs license
to share those images with other members, but only in the way that users
determine via their accounts' privacy settings. Most importantly,
Zuckerberg insists that Facebook has no intention of selling users'
pictures for any reason, though he admits that Facebook needs to work on
clarifying the language to that effect.
For more information on social networking and related topics, look over the links on the following page.
For more information on social networking and related topics, look over the links on the following page.
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